The Edgy Veg

My Covid Recovery

My Covid RecoveryI was one of many people who caught COVID-19 and suffered long-term symptoms that really affected my day-to-day life. I thought I would share my covid recovery.

After my initial symptoms went away end of February, I was left with some serious lingering symptoms that to this day (June) I am still battling. These include the inability to breathe fully, low energy, debilitating fatigue, insomnia, daily headaches and/or migraines, weight gain, breathlessness, inability to workout due to breathlessness, dry sinuses and congestion, loss of taste and smell, and brain fog. With the help of my family doctor, we’ve been creating a healthy routine to help me overcome my long-term effects of covid. 

How I Recovered From COVID

The vitamins, inhaler, drinking a gallon of water per day, and taking pain meds were all recommendations that my doctor gave to her long-term COVID-19 patients.  So, if you or someone you love also suffers from long-term COVID-19 symptoms, I hope that some of these tips might help you with your recovery. 

If you haven’t had COVID-19 or you don’t suffer any long-term symptoms but you want some supplements to keep healthy all year long, check out my regular vegan supplement routine

Covid Vitamin RoutineMy COVID Vitamin Routine

I recommend that you follow the advice of your personal physician. These things have worked for me over the last few months and, paired with the vaccine, I’ve felt more myself than I did for months after fighting the virus! The routine is the key part here. Morning and evening routines are the keys to my success. They help to set me up to achieve more, follow my doctor’s orders, think clearly, and get shit done.

VEGAN D3 AND B12 GUMMIES: The vegan vitamin D3 in these Herbaland gummies are sourced from Lichen, and helps to support the immune system, but also boosts energy, encourages a positive mood, which is helpful when you’re suffering from long term covid. Vitamin B12 is an added bonus because most of the population (40% in the US) is low in B12. I take 1/day.

IMMUNE PLUS GUMMIES: Vitamin C, Zinc, Elderberry, and Echinacea work together in this bomb Herbaland product to support immune health when you’re feeling sicky, but also to keep it strong as you fight the lingering virus. I take 2/day.

Herabaland CoQ10Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10) Herbaland GUMMIES: COQ10 is often used for preventing migraine headaches and reduce their frequency. So my doc suggested I take 150mg twice a day to see if it helps with my lingering daily covid migraines. It also supports heart health and blood sugar regulation with is a nice bonus.

Magnesium: Because my energy has been so low, and my sleep schedule was so disrupted by the virus, my Doc also prescribed 600mg of magnesium/day. It is known to promote rest, speed recovery, increase energy production, so we figured we’d throw that in too, to see if my energy levels go up at all, or if it helps with my insomnia.

Overall, I am seeing major improvements– some faster than others. Every doctor’s visit, I am improving and I can credit that to this protocol. So, if you are suffering from lingering symptoms, please do talk to your doctor. They are learning more and more about this virus every day, so you don’t need to suffer needlessly.

Any reader can use code edgyveg20 for 20% off on – Herbaland is a huge supporter of The Edgy Veg & has been a partner for a while now❤️

Vegan Noodle Soup Edgy VegHealthy Foods to Help Immune System

Combined with my vitamins and medications, I believe my covid recovery can be credited to a combination of fueling my body with healthy fruits and vegetables, as well as medicine. When I’m feeling sick, soups are usually my go-to are Immune Boosting Juice, Vegan Red Lentil Soup and Vegan Noodle Soup

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My Covid Recovery

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  • OMGoodness Candice.

    Please continue to look after yourself.
    Take good care !!!

    I see you getting healing hugs from your fur baby awww!!



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